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Palette CAD: The all-in-one software for your digital design projects

Palette CAD: the mul­ti-pur­po­se 3D in­te­ri­or de­sign soft­ware

From the in­iti­al spark of in­spi­ra­ti­on to the fi­nis­hed room, and from the first rough sketch th­rough to the fi­nis­hed fur­ni­tu­re, our 3D CAD soft­ware al­lows you to de­sign and show­ca­se your pro­jects, or­der the ma­te­ri­als you need and crea­te the per­fect blue­prints to en­su­re the con­s­truc­tion pro­cess runs smooth­ly. And if re­qui­red, you can send the de­sign da­ta straight to a CNC ma­chi­ne.

Our CAD soft­ware has a ran­ge of prac­ti­cal and au­to­ma­tic fea­tures, all of which have be­en de­ve­lo­ped by ex­perts to meet the ever­y­day needs of de­si­gners and ma­nu­fac­tu­r­ers, and are con­ti­nuous­ly be­ing enhan­ced to make your work ea­sier and much mo­re ef­fi­ci­ent. Want to find out mo­re about Palette CAD? Wha­te­ver your ques­ti­ons, we’ll be de­ligh­ted to ans­wer them.

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Produktabbildung Softwarepaket Palette CAD

In­te­ri­or de­sign soft­ware

Our co­re soft­ware Palette CAD, sup­ple­men­ta­ry so­lu­ti­ons and apps are ide­al for va­rious in­dus­tries. And we al­so have the per­fect peo­p­le for de­sign and im­ple­men­ta­ti­on, as ma­ny mem­bers of our team have prac­ti­cal ex­pe­ri­ence in the­se in­dus­tries and know exact­ly what’s re­qui­red. So you can rest assu­red that your pro­ject is in good hands wi­th us. From pro­fes­sio­nals, for pro­fes­sio­nals.

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How we work

We have ma­ny ye­ars of ex­pe­ri­ence and ex­per­ti­se, so we know what our cus­to­mers need.
And that’s exact­ly what makes Palette CAD the mar­ket lea­der in 3D CAD soft­ware for all re­le­vant in­dus­tries.

Icon Sprechblasen Palette CAD
Icon Planung Palette CAD
Icon Vernetzt Palette CAD

First-class cus­to­mer ser­vice

De­sig­ning reim­agi­ned

Ea­sy or­de­ring

Our 3D de­sign soft­ware is ex­tre­me­ly in­tui­ti­ve and user-fri­end­ly. And if you have ques­ti­ons, you can re­ly on our de­ca­des of ex­pe­ri­ence and spe­cia­list ex­per­ti­se.

Palette CAD is the­re for you every step of the way wi­th cle­ver fea­tures, sta­te-of-the-art di­gi­tal tech­no­lo­gy and brand new in­no­va­tions which sim­pli­fy and ac­ce­le­ra­te the de­sign pro­cess for rooms and ob­jects that make a re­al im­pres­si­on.

Ex­ten­si­ve ma­nu­fac­tu­rer ca­ta­lo­gues from all in­dus­tries are in­te­gra­ted in­to the soft­ware, ma­king it ea­sy to sel­ect, vi­sua­li­se and or­der pro­ducts.

Icon Sprechblasen Palette CAD

First-class cus­to­mer ser­vice

Our 3D de­sign soft­ware is ex­tre­me­ly in­tui­ti­ve and user-fri­end­ly. And if you have ques­ti­ons, you can re­ly on our de­ca­des of ex­pe­ri­ence and spe­cia­list ex­per­ti­se.

Icon Planung Palette CAD

De­sig­ning reim­agi­ned

Palette CAD is the­re for you every step of the way wi­th cle­ver fea­tures, sta­te-of-the-art di­gi­tal tech­no­lo­gy and brand new in­no­va­tions which sim­pli­fy and ac­ce­le­ra­te the de­sign pro­cess for rooms and ob­jects that make a re­al im­pres­si­on.

Icon Vernetzt Palette CAD

Ea­sy or­de­ring

Ex­ten­si­ve ma­nu­fac­tu­rer ca­ta­lo­gues from all in­dus­tries are in­te­gra­ted in­to the soft­ware, ma­king it ea­sy to sel­ect, vi­sua­li­se and or­der pro­ducts.

Palette CAD: your part­ner for di­gi­tal in­te­ri­or de­sign

Palette CAD is pas­sio­na­te about di­gi­tal in­te­ri­or de­sign. Our Palette CAD soft­ware is de­ve­lo­ped in Ger­ma­ny and is used by over 12,000 craft­speo­p­le, spe­cia­list re­tail­ers and de­si­gners to enhan­ce their de­signs, re­du­ce their lead times and in­crease their sa­les. As a fa­mi­ly busi­ness em­ploy­ing over 120 peo­p­le, our cus­to­mers’ suc­cess is at the he­art of what we do: from the in­iti­al spark of in­spi­ra­ti­on th­rough to the fi­nis­hed room.